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November 15, 2008


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Are you trying to tell me something? I am either the wiccan or the happy hippy chick!!!!!

Very cute bear. I have stuffing, want some?


I'd love to see pictures of the craft work of Mr. Pear! :)


I'm with Randi, picture please!

I cut my own last year....I was just trying to give it a trim and well, it looked lovely on the right and left side, the back was another story :{

The dog is adorable, looking forward to seeing what else you two come up with!


Nice job on the dog! Not that I'm surprised.

Let's see the hair!!


aww, i loved your long beautiful hair...guess that makes me an aging hippy, and i'm good with that : ) and i'm sure you look just as beautiful with short hair ; )
I always loved my nana's long beautiful gray hair she always wore in a bun.
cute puppy....what fun!


I forgot that the mister is your stylist. I think that's so cool.

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