We're thinking of moving to a new neighborhood. I like to check out all the amenities*, so we visited what could be our new library. Everyone was ridiculously friendly, wanting to help us find our books and tell us about jazz night and "Come play Wii night!'. The library itself is very, very small, but we can order books from the main library and, most importantly, we can walk there. Mini-pear found a pile of books and I grabbed Cormac McCarthy's The Road.
I'm going to tell you about it because you all keep inviting me to join GoodReads, so you must want to know what I think about what I'm reading. I'm not ignoring your GoodReads invitations, it's just I'm pretty sure I'm a member already, because they know my name and keep sending me emails about stuff and about books some of my other imaginary internet friends are reading. I tried to log in with all the usual passwords, but no dice...
The Road.
This is some bleak shit, yo.
I got about a third of the way though in one sitting and it gave me the willies. A man. His boy. Post nuclear annihilation. Implied cannibalism.
I wasn't going to read anymore, but d'anjou fell asleep on the way to karate so I read some more in the car while Mini-pear was in class. Then I did something I never do.
I flipped to the end to see if anything happy was ever going to happen to this poor defeated man and his boy. Because, seriously, if there wasn't a light at the end of that tunnel, I just wasn't going to be able to read another page.
Nothing happy happened. I stopped reading.
Later on, at home, I noticed Mr. Pear was reading one of Mini-Pear's library books. After teasing him mercilessly, we had the following exchange:
Triple P: I've got Cormac McCarthy's latest from the library if you want to read something a little more...
Mr. P [interrupting] NO!
Triple P: ...grown up and depressing.
Mr. P: That guy does bleak very well.
Triple P: Tell me about it! That shit was depressing! There's this man and his boy, nuclear annihi...
Mr. P: No thanks! Don't even tell me about it!
Triple P: ...lation! Implied cannibalism!
Mr. P: La, la, la, la, la...I can't hear you!
Then it gave me fucking nightmares.
Not cool, Cormac McCarthy.
Mr. Pear slept soundly, undoubtedly with visions of Warrior Cats in his head.
* Which I think is more "I can't wait to get over here and walk to all this stuff! and less "I'm not moving here if the post office doesn't have one of those fancy self-service "print your own postage" machines.
Where are you guys thinking of moving? Inquiring minds wanna know!
Posted by: Anne | January 17, 2009 at 08:47 PM
I tagged you on my blog. Probably not your thing, I know, so no obligation, but I needed one more blogger!
Posted by: Flo | January 18, 2009 at 10:34 PM
Hi Anne!
We're staying in the same town, just moving closer to the beach. We're about a 1.5 miles inland at the moment and want to be able to walk to the water's edge;)
Posted by: Kirsten Slade | January 20, 2009 at 12:18 PM