For Martin Luther King Day, I took the kids to see the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Choir perform downtown.
We packed a lunch to eat while watching the performance, but it being a gospel choir, we found ourselves needing to move our hands and bodies way to much to sit and munch our hummus and veggies. We packed up and ate after the show, never mind our grumbly tummies.
Anyway, locals, if you get the chance to see them, they are great choir. I must be getting old, or sentimental, but the words of the songs struck me in a way they hadn't quite before. Maybe it was just seeing the MLK choir on MLK Day and picking up on the emotions of the performers. I was moved to tears at one point. Then, out in the lobby, meeting the woman whose solo moved me to tears, I said, "You moved me to tears!" She gave me a huge bear hug, which had the unfortunate effect of moving us both to tears! That's me, sniffly-puss. What the heck? Or as we say here at Chez Pear, "Matter the what's?"
Besides being an awesome show, all their proceeds (not just from this performance, but any proceeds they receive as an organization) go towards providing scholarships to college bound visual and performing arts students.
This is so cool. Wish I had my hand on the pulse of these things...miss those opportunities. I will go searching! So glad you shared. Thanks.
Matter the whats?!
Posted by: Ginger | January 21, 2009 at 12:55 PM
Hey you,
Can you post cool stuff BEFORE they occur at the yahoo group??? I'm moved to tears by some commercials, so I imagine I'd be a mess. You guys are so cute! :)
Posted by: Sahara | January 22, 2009 at 02:28 PM