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May 29, 2009


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i'm such a lousy unschooler: i didn't even know about this conference until i read about it from someone else a couple days ago. you were so close to us!

the wall chewing is new to me.


You're back. I'm laughing again. Good stuff. (Except the migraine part.)


perhaps Buddha promoted a termite into your family ? think on the positive, he's hardly likely to choke on a house and the calcium from the wall board should encourage strong healthy bones, unless it's that contaminating stuff from China in which case prevention in the form of a football helmet is in order, certainly gives a new slant to 'eating out of house and home'.


Citrus, I love your response! I'm still laughing :)

Sorry for the migraines. Wish we had seen you a touch more, but hope there will be more of that seeing thing soon. I can't wait to hear of all the adventures!

Tasty berries. Yum.


Your back! Yay and that is a lovely shot of Mini~


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