We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves at Good Vibrations, despite getting hit with the worst cold (I sort of wished I could crawl into a hole on Saturday - and, indeed, did not get out of bed until around ten o'clockish, while Mr. Pear got slammed with it on Sunday). We hardly saw Mini-Pear, and when we did it was with a gaggle of her girlfriends, excitedly skipping from funshops to the pool to each others' hotel rooms and back out to the pool again. Mr. Pear and I traded off time in the toddler room with d'anjou, and got to listen to some inspiring speakers, and to just hang out with new and old friends (and each other - awww). And, as usual, it was just refreshing to hang out with that many unschoolers. I think the below photo of one of my favorite small people sums it all up. In the first place, Jonas is way cuter than me, and I did not get my face painted! Some sort of party pooper.
At some point, not staying at the hotel seemed like a good idea. I didn't realize the Doubletree was pet-friendly until the week before the conference. Boarding the dog, while staying at hotel 15 minutes from our home, seemed extravagant, until I was trying to get everyone up and out the door by 9 a.m. on Friday morning. We never need to be anywhere at 9 a.m! And we wouldn't have had to leave all the fun mid-afternoon, just to walk No No Bad Dog. And I could have turned in early without compromising Mini-Pear's good time.
I vote we gently encourage Flo to do it all over again next year;)
oh man, my "little guy" looks so big in this picture.
Posted by: kate Hagen | September 21, 2009 at 09:11 AM
That was very gentle- thank you.
Posted by: Flo | September 21, 2009 at 10:34 AM