I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be able to do this year's LIFE is Good conference justice with a blog entry. I will say that I managed to take a couple of steps outside my comfort zone* and it made all the difference for me. My family loves this conference, but until this year, I felt like the emotional roller coaster was a little too intense for me. Way to make it all about you, Mama. Bah. I know it's not all about me, but at a certain point - like after Ronnie's excellent talk, which raised more questions for me than it answered, but in a most helpful way - one realizes that if one doesn't focus on oneself, everyone else is going to get shafted anyway, and possibly in a big, ugly, soul-crushing way. Which is an obtuse and long-winded way of saying that while I've played everyone else's lay-therapist for years, it's really time to dust off the skeletons long banished to my rather insufficient closets and get my own house in order.
At some point, I'm sure I'll write something substantial about the conference, but not yet. I did feel prompted to write a treatise little something about the elusive nature of joy (whinge) this morning, but it's nowhere near ready for public consumption. Maybe it never will be. There's a reason I keep it short and snarky. Harumph...and the like.
* Why is it called a comfort zone? I'm not sure most people's comfort zones are particularly nice or comfortable, hence the need to step out of them.
Sounds to me like you've just done pretty decent justice to LiG with this semi-snark. (wink)
Posted by: Frank Maier | June 08, 2010 at 01:12 PM
I love the way you make what I'm thinking seem so obvious...and really to the point. Thanks!
PS: Welcome home!
Posted by: beachbum | June 08, 2010 at 06:10 PM