Well before dawn. Hours before dawn. Why?
This one, to be sure.
I did not take that picture this morning. In that picture this one is eating. And eating is not something this one wants to do lately.
Frequently, this one decides he's not all that into eating.
Vita-Mix to the rescue! A generous handful of kale, a generous tablespoon of chia seeds, a generous dollop of full fat organic yogurt with the cream on top mixed with whatever fresh fruit we've got on hand makes a super smoothie packed with enough protein and vitamins to let this mama's mind rest at ease. He will always drink a smoothie!
Except for yesterday afternoon. And last night. Oh, and this morning. He was hungry last night. Hungry this morning. But he does not want that smoothie. Or this one. Or a banana. Or some blueberries. Or Gorilla Munch. Or grapes. Or cherry tomatos, or any other orb shaped fruit for that matter!
You know when you haven't eaten, and your mood gets a little...all. over. the. place???????
It's like that.
I have offered chips. I have offered ice cream. I have offered him his yogurt. I have offered him his sister's yogurt.
In a couple of hours, I am taking him and his sister to the beach to meet up with some friends. Not so many months ago, he could be counted on to eat sand at the beach. Perhaps he will have some sand for lunch. I would not mind.