We had absolutely nothing planned, and it rained on and off all day long. In short, a welcome break from our increasingly busy schedule.
At some point, a big gust of wind blew a gutter off the roof. Sometimes (okay, most of the time) I yearn to own my own house, and I wouldn't have a lick of wall to wall carpet and I could build in shelves and plan out my garden in earnest and paint the walls mustard and olive and orange, but sometimes, it's nice to have a landlord to call, "Hey, can you do something about this gutter the Queen Palm is propping up?"
We listened to new music (lately I stream Eclectic 24 all day long!), and relieved the fridge of its leftovers, and the boy (and sometimes his sister, and sometimes his mother) played with trains, and I got dirty (and the kitchen got mighty clean), and Mini-Pear finished her latest book, and I discovered some new TV worth streaming (Book Club?), and the boy napped and I got to read more of my library book (Rose Tremain's Restoration, hot on the heels of Rose Tremain's The Road Home) and then...
Somewhere in between 4 and 5, the rain held off long enough for me to walk the dog. There was this torn stretch of bright blue sky overhead, but behind me, low slate blue clouds promised more rain, and looking out at the water, rain was falling steadily, blurring the horizon line. I think I most appreciate the ocean when the sun isn't shining. When it is, it can be blinding and I'm so damn photo sensitive, I have to turn away. But the light this afternoon, it was gorgeous. Just enough sun peeping out, everything to the east of me was green-gold...