8 a.m. Roll over. Realize I took the last daytime Alka Selzer Plus packet yesterday. Also realize that using up said meds, putting on a smiley face and not canceling our play date at the pool yesterday probably fell under the category of Too Much, Too Soon/Overdoing It and has a lot more to do with my grogginess this morning than I'd care to admit.
8:30 a.m. Someone is cutting their nails in the bathroom and it is so loud. [Cue Bitchmother stage left].
8:45 a.m. Refridgerator repair company (hereafter referred to as RRC) calls to say they will be here between 1 and 3. Yes, our fridge is broken. Yes, it's a total pain. Yes, now's the time to stock the freezer with easily reheatable meals for after the baby is born.
9 a.m. Tea magically appears at my bedside and I'm sufficiently awake to call our landlord to let him know when the RRC is coming.
9:30 a.m. Wobble into the living room to email my doula. Must cancel afternoon appointment with her. Our house must be crawling with germs and she does a lot of post-partum night time work with tiny little newborns who do not want this nasty cold.
9:45 a.m. RRC calls to say they could come now instead of later. I call landlord. He's moved his schedule around and can't come now.
9:47 a.m
I call RRC. We'd like to keep our original appointment.
Dispatcher tells me that all six calls scheduled prior to ours have cancelled, so their guy would like to come now so he can have the rest of the day off.
I commiserate, but it's not my problem. 1 to 3 is what works, so let's just stick with that.
I'm told 1 to 3 is no longer an option. He could come on Tuesday.
I patiently explain that I am very pregnant and need someone to look at the fridge before Tuesday.
I'm told that as I'm the one refusing a newer, earlier appointment time, I'm just going to have to be a little more patient.
I ask to speak to a supervisor.
Supervisor adds a layer of untruth. Our repairman is having a family emergency and has to go home early, so this is why they need to reschedule.
I count to ten. Actually, I've already been informed that he'd rather take the whole day off than wait until 1 pm, so why invent some "family emergency" excuse. BTW, here's my family's emergency: I'm very, very pregnant and I NEED A WORKING FRIDGE!
By 10 a.m the supervisor at RRC, hereafter referred to as BOMFC (Bunch of Mother Effin' Clowns), has by now tried to bamboozle me with all sorts of untruths, culminating with an offer to diagnose the fridge over the telephone and so will order the parts for me and thus make "everybody happy". She also tells me I'll only owe $95 service/diagnostic fee as the repair is covered by the manufacturer's warranty. I explain that our honest friendly neighborhood appliance repairman already told me that we will not owe any service or diagnostic fee (because our particular problem is covered by the manufacturer's warranty) and to be very wary of any company that implies I need to do so.
Much waffling on her end. Lots of over-explained untruths and attempts at general bamboozlement.
As I pace my kitchen, I suddenly remember that this is not my fridge. I wash my hands of whole situation with BOMFC, give them my landlord's number and instruct them to call him and work something out.
10:15 a.m. Ask mini-pear to get dressed so we can go acquire more Alka Selzer Plus.
10:30 a.m. Ask if she's dressed yet, or just trying on different outfits.
She's trying on different outfits.
I use a bad word or two. Pull the "Mommy's head is literally going to explode if she doesn't get any medicine" card.
10:31 a.m. She's dressed and in the car.
10:38 a.m. We walk into the drugstore. An employee with a huge bandage wrapped around his nose asks if he can "hep ooo".
Try to keep all inappropriate laughter muscles under control while asking where they keep the nasal decongestants.
10:40 a.m. We're walking out of the store. Mini-pear asks how the cashier knew I was pregnant.
"You're kidding, right?"
"No, how'd she know? Because you don't really look pregnant, just kind of chubby..."
That kid is lucky I love her to pieces.
10:41 a.m. I plonk 2 disks into the plastic cup I've brought along expressly for the purpose of taking medicine a.s.a.p. Reason that by the time we reach the grocery store, I'll feel well enough to get in a couple of things for us to eat (because, as you know, we have no fridge! and hence, need to shop for just a couple of items per day - which really works when you've been sick...for days).
I have no idea what time we got to the shop. Medicine not working yet. I haphazardly throw chard, sweet potatos, grapes and an english cucumber in our cart. I know better, but I also grab some just add water soup bowls and some of those yogurt/green onion potato chips.
11:15 a.m. I call my landlord. BOMFC have not called him yet. I give him all pertinent phone, model and serial numbers and tell him I'll just leave all this unpleasantness in his capable hands.
And now? Now it's 11:50 a.m. and I'm just going to go and lay somewhere like a lump.
Hold my calls.