Who thought planter boxes were a good idea in Central Texas?
A couple of these were kicking around our yard when we moved in, and I'll admit, my first thought was to...you know...stick a plant in them, but then it got to be about a zillion degrees. You'd need to water anything in those boxes a hundred times a day and even then they'd croak.
There were also these heavy concrete bench supports hiding in the weeds behind the shed. Hmmm, bulk trash day?
As much as I hate accumulating stuff, I can't bear to just throw it away.
So I got to deconstructing...
and reconstructing...
I actually really like how they look! Kind of rustic and actually quite comfortable. I dragged them to a sunny-in-the-morning spot and now have the perfect place to warm up with my coffee and plan my day.
Looks GREAT! And cozylicious. Good work, mama!
Posted by: Mamaholt | 01/11/2012 at 11:29 AM